Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

CSPEC accepts two types of articles, Research and Conceptual/Theory.   
Research: Submissions that qualify under the Research category for CSPEC include well-designed empirical manuscripts that involve the collection of novel data and related results involving counseling practices and/or outcomes in PreK-12 educational systems. Appropriate analytic approaches under the Research category include but are not limited to qualitative, quantitative, mixed method, and systematic reviews or meta-analyses. Research submissions should contain a reasoned purpose and theoretical foundation; a substantive report of the most relevant literature; appropriate research questions; a method sections with a description of the study procedures, participants, study contexts, instruments, and analytic plan; a thorough results section (including appropriate tables and figures); and a discussion section, including appropriate limitations and data-supported implications for education practice and future research.   
Conceptual/Theory: Submissions that qualify under the Conceptual/Theory category for CSPEC include full manuscripts that convey novel and substantive postulates or intuitions pertaining to counseling practices and/or outcomes in PreK-12 educational systems.  Such manuscripts might include how particular counseling practices affect individual students and educators or broader commentary on the profession or praxis of counseling in schools.  Submissions in this category require the assertion of a coherent thesis and the inclusion of well-reasoned and empirically supported evidence to endorse that thesis.  Finally, Conceptual/Theory submissions should include clear implications for counseling in schools, including practice behaviors, systems advocacy, and/or policy change.  
CSPEC generally considers submissions between 20 and 35 pages, presented in standard APA format.  Longer submissions will be considered based on the nature of the topic or empirical methodology.