
From Archaeology to Genealogy: Adding Processes of Subjectivation and Artistic Intervention

  • J.J. Sylvia IV (Fitchburg State University)


This article further develops a methodological approach to media genealogy that extends the methods of media archaeology by adding the concept of processes of subjectivation and experimental and artistic interventions. This begins with an analysis of how the work of scholars such as Foucault, Stiegler, and Kittler aligns with media archaeology practices in terms of discourse networks. Next, I consider how Foucault’s lectures from the Collège de France can be used to extend current media archaeology practices into a genealogical method. After surveying how recent work in several disciplines might match up with such a genealogical approach, the work of Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, and Anne Sauvagnargues is used to develop a genealogical method that emphasizes experimental processes of subjectivation.

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Keywords: media archaeology, media genealogy, processes of subjectivation, artmachines, Foucault

How to Cite:

Sylvia, J., IV, (2019) “From Archaeology to Genealogy: Adding Processes of Subjectivation and Artistic Intervention”, communication +1 7(2). doi:

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Published on
24 Mar 2019
Peer Reviewed