
Discursive Games and Gamic Discourses

  • Gerald Voorhees (Oregon State University)


Digital games are an increasingly prominent media form but are consistently ignored in critical communication scholarship. Several voices in the field of game studies have advocated the application of communication and rhetorical theory to the study of games, but this effort to cross-pollinate game studies and communication studies has not been reciprocated. This article addresses this lacunae, making the case for critical studies of communication to take up the study of digital games. I argue that digital games are both ready objects of inquiry well-suited for rhetorical methods and generative sites with the potential to stimulate thinking about communication processes in general and rhetoric in particular.

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Keywords: digital games, criticism, communication, rhetoric, fragmentation, configuration

How to Cite:

Voorhees, G., (2012) “Discursive Games and Gamic Discourses”, communication +1 1(1). doi:

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Published on
29 Aug 2012
Peer Reviewed